Answer Miep Gies: "I knew that she kept a diary and that fact alone, under those terrible circumstances, was an achievement.For me,being able providing her with paper, was satisfaction enough.Together with my colleaque Bep (Elly) Voskuijl we were lucky to find the diary and the loose papers. For the rest we only saved her shawl and her mother’s powder compact.Bep and I decided that I should keep the diary till she came back and I put the diary and the loose pages in my office desk without reading it.But the day of her return would never come and when Otto Frank got word from the Red Cross that Anne and Margot would not return I gave him the diary saying: This is the legacy of your daughter Anne.That ended my involvement. It was Otto Frank himself who dealt with all other issues such as editing her text, finding a publisher and so on.The manuscript he donated the manuscript to the State and the copyrights went over to The Anne Frank Foundation in Basel under the leadership of Buddy Elias, Anne’s cousin."